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Android 7.1 N "Nougat" may be expected lunch on October

As we know Google is rolling out latest android version “Nougat” in 7.0 in 22 August with little more charges. Also another updated version 7.1 Nougat expected lunch in October. Google also announced android cycle predicable cycle or updates version in quarterly lunch. Nougat7.1 updated version watch on upcoming phones in Marlin and HTC.

Google has finally decided named its next Android version. The long conference Android N (Android N) was the name of the search.In last speculated that the 'n' is not to be Nutella. But now its official name Google Nugt (Nougat) is fixed finally. Google Android 7.0, the Android will Nougat.

During the conference, Google Android developers or programmers freshly named Ann Rkhane a opinion was introduced. Google then suggested to the whole world demands it.

Google suggest India in social media to keep the name, suggestion name like Coconut Barfi tips. Kerala's next version of Android running a campaign to demand the name Neyppan . Neyppan Kerala is a dessert.

What is Nougat?

Now current a latest version of Android will be called Nougat OS. Nougat European popular sweet dishes. Fruit, roasted with honey or sugar to prepare Nougat’s done.

In 2009 android version of the Google Android operating system, the name of the dish a sweet (sweets) is on. In history android version name like Cupcake , Donut , Eclair, Froyo (frozen yogurt ) , Ginger Bread , Honeycomb , Ice Cream Sandwich , Jelly Bean , KitKat, lollipops and marshmallow.

Android 7.0 connected with latest features and have more improved a lot Nougat. The ultimate version will be released around October. Well, close to launch new Nexus phone. Then, in the next some weeks for the current Nexus devices will be Android N rollout. N hopes that in 2017, Samsung A7 Android smartphone will be available in some countries.

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