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Govt Says Zoom Video App Not Secure

The country is in lockdown due to the Coronavirus crisis. In the meantime, people are using the video calling app zoom to connect. Many employees from work from home are using this app for meetings and video conferencing. Meanwhile, the central government has warned the public by announcing the advisory that the app is not secure.

Zoom Meeting App is not a secure platform for video conferences. The government has issued a guideline on the matter. We have issued guidelines for those who are using the Zoom app for personal purposes. People are using this app more during a lockdown. The Home Ministry has issued a new advisory saying that the Zoom App is not a secure platform for anyone.

Not only India but many other countries are concerned about the security of this app. Countries like Germany, Singapore, and Taiwan have banned the app. The Home Ministry's Department of Cyber ​​Coordination Center has announced a 16-page advisory and said the Zoom app is not secure.

With the help of a guideline, no one else can interfere with the conference and it can be stopped. If the guideline is followed, no one other than the user will be able to interfere with their activities. DoS attacks can also be prevented by password and user access.

According to the Home Ministry guidelines, most of the settings can be done by logging in or downloading the application to your laptop or phone. This change can be made during the conference. However, some settings can only be done on a particular channel.

A senior ministry official has said that many questions have been raised about the security of the Zoom app privacy. Most servers in Tic Talk and Zoom are in China and have many weaknesses. Technical analysis says meeting data from this video conferencing app may also be leaked. Neither traders nor government officials use it.

The Cyber ​​Security Agency of India has already made users aware of the security of this video conferencing app. The guideline has been issued following a complaint against hackers for password leaks and hijackers during a video call conference.

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