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Do you want to read your children’s text messages?

One evening, you and your family are sitting around on the back porch. It’s almost sunset and you are chatting, and chilling on this Sunday evening before the hustle of the weekdays. You feel happy and immensely satisfied. 

Then, a few neighbors drop by and your daughters, and wife are forced to socialize inside. A few moments pass and one of your daughters has left her phone behind. It’s a message notification and you see text messages from an older looking guy and asking when to meet again.

You are too stunned to react. The reality of the times that we live in is that no matter how involved we think we are in our kid’s lives, there will be parts of their lives that remain hidden. It’s not always problematic as everyone deserves certain privacy but teens are at a precarious age.

The answer to the question of should you read your children’s text messages can never be a one-word response. The path to the solution will be different for everyone and will not often follow a straight line. There are no easy answers.

As kids get older they realize the world and its dangers but their brains still can’t properly comprehend the scope of these problems. So, it becomes important for parents to employ a mobile monitoring software tool to stay updated and aware of their kid’s daily activities, not to snoop but not to be in total dark if things take a dark turn.  

Reasons to Read Your Children’s Text Messages
There is increasing fear among the society and even organizations like WHO, and UN who have set strict guidelines on how much time kids spend on a screen. It was a different kind of challenge earlier but now technology has changed the game completely.

These are not the times when you called out loud on a landline your name and who you are calling before the call would connect. Now everyone has smart-phones in their hands and names are hidden behind a veil. So, there are plenty of reasons emerging to read your children’s text messages like:-

1. Distraction

Smart-phones addiction is a big problem among teens and texting has often been attributed as one of the biggest reasons that fuels this addiction. It turns their attention away from the real life of academics, sports, family, outdoor times, etc. 

This addiction is often compared to nicotine addiction. The person or kid’s in this case just can’t get enough of constantly checking their phones and responding to every notification or message, even if it is not required. 

2. Sleep Deprivation  

Humans thrive when they sleep well and no matter what the age, it is one of the essentials of life. Smart-phones have affected every part of our lives and that includes sleeping patterns. Teenagers and kids require more sleep than a typical thing.

A good 8 to 9 hours is the recommended time for someone in this age group but incessant texting is a big problem in making it possible. A study conducted in 2017 reported that more than 40% of teenagers sleep less than 7 hours a night. Holding a smart-phone in their hand or on the bed while sleeping is a big cause. 

3.  Trust Each Other 

Sometimes having an open conversation is the best step forward. In case of giving mobiles to your kid, it is important to have a conversation at that point than intervene when things go wrong. Have an honest conversation with them about the proper way to use this technology and set some ground rules right now to avoid any confusion in the future.

Such a conversation will help them understand your thoughts and allow them to share with you their response. This will keep the conversation open and help avoid any untoward incident in the future. It is crucial to keep them in the loop for a text message spy app and make them know it is for their safety. 

4. Inappropriate Content

Internet and messaging together can create so many combinations, good and bad. It is so easy to share a link with all your contacts with the touch of a few clicks. The problem is that there so much spam and content not suitable for kids circulating around.

Then there is bullying that is increasingly getting common among teenagers. Kids often get so self-conscious as a result because of this that their mental growth gets affected. Sometimes, even harmless flirting can end in mature content being shared which young minds are not equipped for.

5. Anonymous Identity

Anonymity is a great gift of the internet and allows for many people to freely express their ideas and opinions without the fear of being judged. The internet has a bad habit of turning every advantage into a disadvantage. 

Using this anonymity, trolls use every sort of vitriolic, hate and abuse filled attack at anyone who disagrees with them. It makes people careless and prone to break laws such as racism, anti-Semitic ideas, and fear-inducing threats, etc.

Best Spying Apps for Parents

If you have been experiencing some of the online threats written above in regards to your children then it is time to seek a mobile monitoring software to keep them safe. It is a tricky time to be a parent and every solution can help.

So, forget the hesitancy of invading their privacy. Remember that at the end of the day it is for their safety and prevention is better than cure. We have the list of best spying apps and you can see which one suits your needs the best:-

1. Spymaster Pro
Spymaster is a trusted and reliable text message spy app. It has notable features that give it a certain edge.

  • Listening to calls
  • Key logger
  • Live screen-capture

  • Accurate GPS location
  • 24*7 customer support in 10 languages 

  • Doesn’t support Symbian and Blackberry devices

2. mSpy
mSPy is a popular cell phone monitoring software. It has a good list of features and is applicable to most of the Android mobiles. 

  • App download notification
  • Call logs
  • Browser tracker

  • User-friendly access
  • Invisible mode

  • Some devices require jailbreak

3. Spyzie 
Spyzie is a well-known software for spying on Android mobiles. It has a good list of features and is also quite costly compared to the competition. 

  • Instant notifications
  • Browser history
  • Multimedia tracker

  • Stealth mode
  • User-friendly

  • It also has a long response time.

It is tough managing your career and also keeping your kids safe from all the dangers. As a parent though you have no option and here is where a trusted mobile monitoring software will come in handy for your needs. Buy the software you think suits your need and start monitoring their daily activities.

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