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10 Little-Known Facts About Yahoo

Some crucial thing didn't familiar about Yahoo

Yahoo news
Yahoo Facts
  1. Yahoo establish in 1994 by Jerry Yang and David Filo in Stanford University in electrical engineering. 
  2. Its opening public providing in 1996 was the immense for a tech hub at a time.
  3. Yahoo world famous for various category in home page allowed users a click like as movies, finance and sports or specific search information fetch.
  4. In 2012, yahoo total employee 11,700 and CEO Marissa Mayer but same year cutting staff significantly.
  5. Yahoo was most popular search engine for the internet but Google launched in 1998, just few years more popularity than yahoo.
  6. In Global Data compiled by Net-market share, Google leading search engine that cover 70%, Microsoft Bing 11% and Yahoo cover 7.7%.
  7. Expert opinion, Yahoo just cover 1.5% of the worldwide digital advertising market.
  8. Yahoo web portal provide various online service destination for messaging, latest news, email and video. It gets 204 m daily visitor in Only US. Which third largest search portal and digital media rank in United States.

  9. Yahoo proceed to prefer a new generation users or crowd by buying online blogging platform Tumblr for $1 billion in 2013
  10. In last year, Yahoo lost $4.4 billion and most recent lost again $4.4 million. eMarketer predict revenue for 2015 just $4.9 billion.

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